Thursday, August 05, 2004

Bare Spots

My very generous website host has had a serious meltdown today, which I think was a combination of hackers, hacker proofing, and hardware failure all at once, but I put my reportorial instincts aside when we spoke this morning knowing answering questions is not always a productive use of time in a crisis.

My little website is not something he should have even concerned himself with, but still he quickly got it back up, at least to the point where I can rebuild it. At this moment you'll note some links that may not work, some pictures that may not show up (you may see them if they are cached).

There is a lesson in this...back up your website. The bigger lesson, back it up in some organized fashion.

In any case, the blog "content" is up, my email is working. I'm off to get in a walk before it gets too hot. Then I'll deal with this mess.

Say a small prayer for Real Live Webmaster...he's having a very rough day.