Sunday, July 31, 2005

One For The Road

I spent a good portion of Saturday mowing and weeding eating at the church and it felt like it had been too long - I know it had been too long because some areas had become a jungle - but also too long since I had been in a routine of normalcy...of worshipping God through service.

This week several members of my church family will leave to go to Moldova to work with children in orphanages. Children whose parents abandoned them because there are no jobs in Moldova and it costs too much to take the children to another country while you search work.

Some days my friends’ only goal may be to keep these children - who live in the harshest of circumstances - smiling. It will change their lives...the children and the church members.

I will pledge to set aside part of each day to pray for them.

A youth group from Tulsa, including my youngest niece, crashed last night in our Sunday school building on their way to Mexico where they will build homes for of which you and I probably wouldn't think too highly. Yet those homes too will change lives.

Today's local paper has another big spread on Lakewood church....America's biggest church and briefly mentions the 95 million dollars they've spent to renovate the Compaq Center. Lakewood has changed lives.

Amy is taking a "sleeping in Sunday" to hopefully get some of her strength back, but I feel called to be at our little church today - although being there without Amy is hard for me and sometimes I can't promise to make it through the service without her - I need my church family today.

I have been changed by them.