Sunday, December 31, 2006

We're Here!

We did it! We survived 25 hours of travel and made into Moldova. They celebrate the New Year here until WAY past 4 or 6
a.m.. The firecrackers may well be left overs from the Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal.

It was loud.

I slept through most of it until Amy came upstairs to wake me and ask that we pray the house didn't burn down. I guess the prayer worked.

Air Moldova wasn't as frightening as it sounds. It was a fairly modern aircraft and actually since it was a little older, we
had real leg room.

The only oddity was when they served dinner, the flight attendants passed a basket of bread rolls. No individually wrapped stuff here.

I couldn't help but think how appropriate it was to break bread as we entered Moldova and to think of Christ's body broken for us.

Internet account is "pay by the minute - dial up " so that's all for now!

Prayers for Amy please, she's worried she'll have the stamina and be able to adhere to the team schedule.

Bless you all!