It's been too long Lord...
Too long since I have knelt before You with Amy at my side,
and prayed as one.
It's been too long Lord...
Too long since we have sung from our hearts,
and left our heads behind.
It's been too long Lord...
Since we have worshipped without worry,
and given our full attention to You.
It's been too long, Lord...
Since I've wiped away her tears,
and known they were at last tears of joy.
We're still searching Lord...
Seeking Your guidance and discernment,
but for this one day we felt unfettered.
We're still journeying Lord...
There are many questions we must answer,
but for this one day we didn't ask them.
We still worry Lord...
About the road that sprawls ahead,
but for this one day we lived in the moment.
It's been too long, Lord
since we've left our baggage at the door,
and let You lead us...unencumbered.
It felt good, Lord.
To be in Your arms again,
and to reach out without question.
We know the climb will still be hard, Lord.
There's a murkiness ahead,
but for this one day, we remembered.
We remembered...
how it feels to reach out,
and touch the solid rock of Ages.
It's been too long, Lord...far too long.