We may be pulling an "all-nighter" getting ready, but it appears we're actually going to do this thing...this Moldova thing.
Of course, Amy is not yet packed, and we've got to get a few extraneous details taken care of - some business stuff and some dog stuff (our Veterinarian offered to kennel our dogs for half price, and since Shell is starting a new job with undetermined hours, we are opting to take advantage of his generosity).
In less than 11 hours we'll be meeting our "team" at the airport and actually begin this new season of our lives.
It's been a long time coming, and we couldn't be making this journey without the prayers, encouragement and financial support we've received from so many of you.
We can not thank you enough.
This will be my final post for a while I suspect, however I did remember that I can "email" a post to the blog. I'm still uncertain of the computer/internet access we'll have in Moldova, but I think I'll be able to at least send out an email.
I've tested the email posting feature and it works - sort of. The formatting is a little awkward and it doesn't appear to allow me to publish photographs, but if nothing else, I hope to dash off a quick note saying, "We made it!"
It's going to be hectic for a while, and I'm sure the travel is going to tax our patience and probably our nerves a little...but we feel safe in God's will, and trust that He is guiding us.
I know Amy and I made this trip our "Goal" nearly a year ago, yet now it seems like it's come upon us so quickly.
But we're ready.
Please know that in addition to the bunch of "stuff" we are taking to the children in Moldova, we are also carrying the many blessings we have received from you.
I pray we can be good stewards of so many warm, generous and loving hearts.
Off we go! Next stop...Moldova!
Happy New Year!