It's become something of a holiday tradition in our house. Last year, when the Gomez family was living with us, Ana and I would drive around the neighborhood and try to count "dead Santas." Pitiful, deflated St. Nicks...during their downtime.
I'm not a big fan of the inflatable decorations, but I shouldn't complain considering there's still a pumpkin on my porch.
Last night, Amy and I drove up to the church for our second to last "Moldova Team meeting" before we actually go to Moldova. On the way to church there's a charming little shopping "village" which we've watched grow over the years. All sorts of budding businesses have taken root there from a British tea shoppe to a dog groomer.
This year I noticed they're attempting something new, I'm assuming it's a version of Dicken's "Christmas Carol," although the sign doesn't really explain much.
I'm not sure exactly what to expect, I haven't gone in. You have your choice of "driving thru" or walking in and there are signs to direct you depending on how you opt to take it all in.
I don't think it's presumptuous of me to assume its the traditional story of Scrooge...considering each sign also contains very specific instructions.
It's nice to know someone is busy keeping Christmas traditions alive...
Okay, it's a little deflating...