I noticed the hit counter went over 30,000 today. I'm not a big believer in hit counters. I've left that one up only to give me a warning when Gordon's mentions my blog. It's set very stringent, so it doesn't count me, or any computer in my home or office. It's supposedly counting unique visitors, though it's a completely different number than what I receive from the web host statistics.
When I first put up a hit counter I also put up a fake counter.
I liked that. Everyone sees a different number...hit refresh you'll see what I mean.
Near as I can tell, this site averages about 180 visits a day from different websites...unless Gordon mentions me...then it skyrockets for a week or two. A few of those folks come back. A few link to me.
I'm not all that interested in the numbers as much as I am the comments. I find it fascinating which subjects provoke the most responses. I'm fairly certain, despite all my spouted wisdom and insight, the post that got the overall most comments was something I wrote months ago about whether it's okay to bend the pages of books.
Those of you seeking intellectual thought might take that under advisement.
Saturday I will be working building a Habitat for Humanity house. Say a prayer for the poor people who are going to live there...I don't mean "poor people" as in financially, I mean "oh those poor people, they drew me on their building team."
I'm not a handyman.
My friend, Ben, tells me to wear shorts and work boots. I can't see myself doing that...I think I'd feel like one of the Village People. No matter the heat, I think I'm sticking to jeans.
Phone calls don't cut it.
Sunday night, Amy will finally be coming home. I've taken off work Monday so I can meet her at the airport.
She hasn't had the easiest time of it in Ohio, but it's been a good time.
It's time for her to be here though.
I need her.