I cried during the service...emotional reality.
How long has it been since I've been able to watch my wife lead our small body of believers in song.
Far too long for me, that much is certain.
I relished every second.
This small sampling - recorded with the limitations of my pocket PC doesn't do it justice, in sound quality or spiritual depth.
However I've listened to it about 30 times since I hurriedly edited it together.
As promised, Tiffany worshipped with us as well...had I remembered to tell her we were having a pot luck after church there never would have been any doubt. She stayed for the service...and the meal. In between she brought out her violin and "jammed" with a few members of the music team.

This next week may lead us in any number of directions with Amy's health...but today I spent with my wife, child, and church family in song and sustenance...praise and prayer.
Today I spent time with God...right where I always wanted to be.