Monday, September 20, 2004

Returning The Flavor

Amy is home...tired, frustrated, emotional, and in pain. We had to reschedule a doctor's appointment this afternoon after learning the doctor was running 3 hours behind, but that was a probably a good thing. Amy needs more time to rest. Traveling takes it out of the best of us these days, when you're traveling alone and not feeling well it's especially wearisome.

We managed to squeeze in some alone time last we stayed up too late talking, and got up too early. Today we're both a little ragged. We did manage to run a few errands today and had an all too brief visit with Rhonda (actually Amy and Rhonda visited...I fell asleep at Starbucks - presumably folks who were there pegged me as a decaf drinker).

I spent much of the day trying to help Amy get readjusted. It's tough...for her and for me.

Frustration, pain, fragile emotions and fatigue...these are things that at first blush would seem we all could live without.

In truth we can't.

We can no more do without them, than we could make spaghetti sauce without tomatoes.

The key is not to keep them out of the's remembering to include them only in proper measure.

I'll gladly accept a dash of disappointment, a pinch of frustration, and a tablespoon of tired...for I know in the end it will still produce something I savor....something I love dearly.

Those are but a few of the many ingredients included in the "recipe of us."

I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
-Psalm 63:4-5