Although this is my favorite photo from today's graduation, it probably doesn't do Tiffany justice. Tiffany now has her degree, Summa Cum Laude, from Schreiner University and it was a solemn and momentous day. Those cords around her neck signify various honors and there were more to be added through out today's events. One of the college big wigs remarked to her on the graduation stage that she set a record with "seven" cords....actually Tiffany received eight.
Cords, caps, gowns, and ceremonies have little meaning to me. I'm proud, don't get me wrong, but I'm not necessarily concerned whether or not Tiffany achieved those honors. Those ropes will be tokens far too soon. The cap and gown were borrowed. The ceremony was a rite of passage that will fade from memory.
The drive that led Tiffany to where she is today...THAT will sustain her for a lifetime.
Tiffany won a full scholarship to Schreiner and she could have "coasted" through four years there. In fact she probably could have coasted and graduated in three years if she so chose.
Instead she devoured her college experience. She grasped for the hard to reach and hungered for the difficult to attain. There were setbacks, doubts, and even failures along the way. She devoured those too.
In the end I don't think it matters what degree you have, or what honors you receive. I do believe if you attack life and seek all that you can from it, you will uncover marvels of the world and marvels within yourself.
You are what you eat...clean your plate.
Psalm 128:2
You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.