Woke up this morning to a wonderful surprise, an email from my California niece Chelsea.

The email asked what I thought were pretty easy questions (she's working on a school project), but the more I thought about it, the questions that I thought were simplest were the toughest. I mean, do you really know what your absolute "favorite food" is? How about your all time favorite song? I'm old, fat and half deaf, I've eaten a lot of foods and listened to a lot of music...remembering it all, much less narrowing down the choices to one proved more thought provoking than I expected. I do know my favorite color is blue. I don't know why though. I think people are asked that question a lot when they're young so everyone just picks a color to have an answer.
It was my first email from Chelsea which is always exciting. I have a good email relationship with my other two nieces (ahem...right Sarah? right Emily?), maybe this can spur better communication on my part with the California contingent.
Spurring California.
I did carefully avoid all mention of basketball, since Chelsea lives not too far from Los Angeles and has no doubt been corrupted by the evil forces of darkness known more commonly in South Texas as "The Lakers".
Tonight the Spurs go up against L.A.... another late start... I will pay in the morning but I will watch tonight, and hopefully get a couple hours sleep with fanciful dreams of Shaquille O'Neal fouling out early dancing in my head.
School's out
I've been focusing on Tiffany and Lisa's graduations these days, but Amy today is wrapping up her first semester of college. She's been writing frantically for the past few days knocking out a treatise on vegetarianism for her propaganda spouting leftist English teacher. Amy didn't need to learn how to write, she writes very well and has the best head for grammar and spelling of anyone I know (and I'm an editor), but I think she got a real education into higher education with this class. There's more to come...I can't wait to see what her Political Science professor is like.
The best thing about her class was that she started blogging. She says she's going to stop writing that blog now and start a new one... I'm going to hold her to that.
It never hurts to know what your wife is thinking...even if she has to type it out and post it on the web.