Wednesday, February 25, 2004


He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God - Acts 1:3

I stood, staring out the window. Excuses raced easily through my mind.

"Doesn't Lent actually start at sundown on Ash Wednesday? Couldn't today be considered wiggle room, sort of a launching pad for my vow to walk every day? I'm sure I'd get off to a better start tomorrow."

It's about 45 degrees, with a strong north wind blowing.

"Technically I vowed to walk for 40 days during Lent, but actually there are more than 40 days between now and Easter, perhaps I could exercise something like a get out of walking free card to avoid this exercise for the day?"

I opened the door and felt the blast of cold air. I looked skyward wondering if it might it also rain.

"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky?." - Acts 1:11

It's amazing how easy it is to rationalize my way out of commitments, or at least contemplate the idea of not following through - even on day one.

However, I abided by my pledge. I bundled myself up in a sweatshirt and hat. I pulled on my headphones and cranked up the music on my pocket PC.

I girded myself against the wind, and loped out the door.

There are not many people on the streets during the mid afternoon. Even fewer in weather like this. I did see several people though, but almost all of them didn't make eye contact. In fact most looked away.

I walked for my 40 promised minutes and returned to the warmth of the house, my nose running and my knees creaking.

I went upstairs to find Amy working in her office.

She looked at me for half a second and said, "You look like the Unabomber."

She has a point there.


"Open your present..."
"No, you open your present..."
Kaczinski Christmas

- My favorite Unabomber Haiku