I mentioned yesterday that we had a "costume party" at church last night...well, it was a full blown Halloween party - which is fine with me, I never quite understood why churches used euphemisms to avoid saying Halloween...one pagan ritual is the same as the next.
However I'm not sure how the church visitors - you know folks who don't really know our little quirky bunch of Christians - reacted to seeing the words "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" scrawled in chalk on the walkway right in front of the church doorway. I'm sure they probably bypassed them without too much thought, yet had we not arrived a little late I probably would have hosed the words away before service started.
We ran out of coffee cups at the church last week and so we improvised a bit today - you know we're a quirky little bunch of Christians, sort of odd but really quite nice - some folks used cups left over from the party last night for juice or water. They were cute little cups...
I doubt the visitors thought much about those cups either....although seeing the Pastor taking sips of water from one of the cups during his sermon admittedly might have raised an eyebrow or two, but we're a quirky little bunch of Christians...we do messy church sometimes...okay a lot.
Luckily the visitors - being visitors and all - sat a few rows back...they might not have even noticed the cup that the Pastor was drinking from - although I probably didn't help matters by pulling out my tiny camera and trying to get a picture.
Anyway, I'm at least pretty certain they didn't notice the adorable little boy playing on the floor right in front of me. Before church, he and his buddies had been playing out on the land - you know our quirky little bunch of Christians have sort of a haven in the woods...there are lots of trees, tall grass, and great places for little boys to play. Occasionally they find some cool stuff...cool little boy stuff.
But still I'm not really sure if a little boy playing with an animal bone during the sermon where the Pastor kept holding up a Halloween cup might have left the wrong impression about our little church in the woods.
I hope not.
I mean we're a quirky little bunch of Christians...but we have a sense of humor.
God gave us that too.