I have never watched this show, but I am going as this guy:

And Amy is going as apparently the most intelligent member of the cast...the family dog:

All I had to do was buy a pair of green pants from Goodwill...I'm not quite sure how Amy is throwing her costume together yet. I haven't seen her, I've been running around all day.
Ana and I explored the San Antonio Museum of Art - specifically the exhibit featuring the Tibetan Monks who make intricate pictures called "mandalas" out of sand.
click to enlarge
Last night I wanted to find out more about the monks and this specific exhibit so I logged onto the museum's website and went to the press release area. There I was met with this notice:
Article Title Author Date
Tibetan Monks Return to SAMA! October 25-30, 2005
These are generally available for viewing for seven days. After the initial seven days, Paid Members only will have access to these files.
Seriously, they limit access to their publicity to paid members. I had to drop them a note offering my services as a Public Relations and or Common Sense Director.
Anyway, we saw the monks...which was very cool. Ana even tried her hand at sand painting.
We then debated taking the organized "tour" of the Asian art exhibit or running amok all over the museum by ourselves ...yeah, that was an easy call to make.

We saw a lot of fascinating things although perhaps we didn't always pay proper reverence...

We discussed many of the works and covered most of the museum...some of the works were uncovered...

For those, I decided it best not to say anything.

After all, there were a bunch of monks about...

And I'm a family guy.