I think that's actually a quote from the movie "War Games" but I say it all the time in a variety of circumstances. It comes to mind today because I've been "tagged" again to take part in another "meme." I got tagged once before and initially resisted and then capitulated, but I'm now going on record as saying I won't play in future memestry, memestronics, or whatever you want to call it...that is after this one last meme.
I feel compelled to participate this last time because it was Amber who tagged me and I tagged her last time when she was stressing out in the middle of finals.
However take note all memics, memees, memeiacs...meme enthusiasts - I hereby serve notice I won't play in the future...even if I've tagged you in the past. I can easily see the meme trend getting out of hand and plus I feel a little guilty about tagging folks...so I should add that I'm not going to tag anyone with this one...if you want to participate feel free to consider yourself tagged - self meme so to speak.
Okay, enough with the disclaimer and on with the meme which deals with my bookshelf, books I am reading, have read and the like...
Number of books I own: I have no idea, we have hundreds of books and we recently culled a bunch and sold all of them at a garage sale - some lady came by one day and bought a handful and then came by the next and said she wanted all of the books. Still I have two big bookshelves, several small ones, books lined up on my dresser, a pile next to my bed, and a few scattered here and there.
The books by my bed look like this:

One of our less cluttered bookshelves looks like this:

Last book I purchased: Monster by Frank Peretti - I was really hoping it would be a good page turner, mind escape of a book since he hadn't written anything for adults in a long time. I'm still slogging my way through it.
Last book I reread: Common Sense Christianity by Gerald Mann -This is a book I keep by my bedside. I bought a used copy 10 or 12 years ago. It has some wonderful wisdom which I respect. Dr. Mann has fallen a bit in my eyes, but the truths he espoused still touch me. I pick it up all the time and read at least parts of it.
Five books for a desert island:The Bible, ReallivePreacher.com by Gordon Atkinson, The World According to Chuck by Chuck Sigars - Hey, I'd want my friend's books with me if I couldn't have any friends with me - A Confederacy Of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole - It would help me remember interesting people and maybe make up a few imaginary friends to pass the time, The Giving Tree - By Shel Silverstein - I like to carry a piece of my childhood with me wherever I go.
Book I'd thwack someone on the head with : Random House Unabridged Dictionary - If was going to thwack someone presumably I'd want to leave a lasting impression.
Book I'd like to burn : I couldn't burn a book. First off my mother was a librarian and she taught be better. Secondly I believe burning books serves no purpose unless you want to generate heat or maybe publicity. I don't believe you get people to think like you by denying them access to other's thoughts.
Book that is overrated : The Left Behind Series (forgive me Sarai).
Fun Classics:Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, The Best Short Stories Of O'Henry - By O'Henry, The Love Poems Of John Donne- by John Donne, Aesop's Fables - by Aesop, The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.
Last Book I Read : Well, I'm still trudging my way through Monster but the last book I finished was George MacDonald - An Anthology 365 Readings by George MacDonald and compiled by C.S. Lewis. I need to return that one, a dear friend loaned it to me...maybe after I flip through it once more.
Five people I tagged to answer these and take a photo of their bookcase : See disclaimer above. If you want to take part...please consider yourself tagged. If you don't have a blog, feel free to write your answers on The Schwab Blog although you can't post pictures of your bookshelf.
Whew! I'm done.