Friday, January 14, 2005

Random Clutter

I occasionally run across things that I think might make for blog fodder but invariably don't make the cut.

I'm clearing out some of that junk today.

For instance I never wrote about

This is a website that will send letters for you signed by God. Well, they're not actually signed by God, they're not signed by anyone, they're printed out on nice religious looking paper and the signature is printed too.

You can personalize your letters by sending someone a specific prayer if you like...

They don't charge a lot and their intentions - at least at first blush - seem to be sweet and pure.

I am grateful though that God doesn't really have to rely on the postal service to reach me.

I never wrote about the church in Cleveland, Tennessee that turned their Wednesday night service into something akin to Late Night with David Letterman.

I'm sure at some point I was prepared to make fun of it looks sort of fun.

Man, I'm getting old.
Sometimes I save statistics, facts or surveys I think I might be able to use. I was certain I would write about a Sears survey released last December which said 71 percent of men spend less time holiday shopping if their favorite football team is doing well: the better their team is doing, the less time they have to go shopping.

I never mentioned it.

If the survey had any validity at all Amy would be rolling in splendor this year considering how the Cowboys performed.

That's enough clutter clearing for today. I think I'll go put in a few miles around the neighborhood and clear my mind a bit too.