Go in peace....live in grace...trust His love"
That's a lyric from a song by Billy Crockett...it's how our church members end our services almost every Sunday. We hold hands and sing those words.
I felt like doing that today as Amy and I left her surgeon's office, both of us teary eyed. Amy is still having some pain but she's doing great, and everyone is optimistic that she's going to keep growing stronger. Her doctor was thrilled with her progress and today's appointment ended with him saying something to the effect of, "Well, I'll see you in a month...then maybe we'll schedule another appointment for several months away...then, you know, I'll always want to keep tabs on you."

It was a watershed moment. One we have prayed for....for a very long time - the "all clear"- albeit a bit tentative still, from the doc.
We spent tonight at church, and Amy was the social butterfly that is her true nature. I went back to my true nature a bit as well, and sort of sat back and watched. It was very nice.
I'm going to sleep well tonight...in Amy's arms....and God's.
"Go in peace...live in grace....trust in the arms that will hold you...
Go in peace....live in grace...trust His love"