I was looking for some Mannheim Steamroller music this morning and noticed they had a hieroglyphics coder on their website.
I have no idea why.
The above picture is what came out when I typed in "The Main Point by Michael Main."
I'm sure there's some formula to it all, but I don't understand it.
I've sold a couple of things on Ebay lately, nothing substantial. I'm learning that I could never be in a business where I had to deal with customers on a regular basis. Despite big BOLD explanations about how I only accept Paypal I've had two winning bidders respond by saying, "Where do I send the check?" One guy I told to forget it, his bid was too low for me to mess with anything but Paypal, the other one agreed on a postal service money order, which I'm still not keen on, but it's a more significant chunk of change. How people can read everything about the item and not see the payment instructions...I don't understand. I like to think the best of people but I'm beginning to suspect feigned ignorance is something of an Ebay art form.
Amy is still wrestling between fever and fear. Tomorrow we'll actually be able to see her doctor and we're both trying to convince ourselves he won't order her hospitalized, but we're also realistic. If the fever is still present he'll want a battery of tests...we've been down this road far too often to expect those will be done on an outpatient basis.
That could mean Thanksgiving in the hospital.
I pray that won't be the case, but if it happens...it happens. It will I suppose be another thing I don't understand.
Amy's sister and her family (including my nieces, even the blog slacker one) are coming in next weekend and will stay with us for a few days. We were planning on an early Thanksgiving, now we may have to plan for a semi-mobile one.
"Over the river the through the traffic jam to Amy's hospital room we go...." I may have to work on the lyrics a bit...
Moments ago Amy mentioned to me that a young friend who moved away some time ago is likely moving back to San Antonio in January. Amy is now in the process of trying to con her via email to live here with us until she gets a more definitive grip on her plans. I'm fine with that in fact we're such homebodies now this could be an excellent idea...if we can't get out; we'll start inviting people to move in.
Of course why anyone would want to live in a house that looks like a M*A*S*H unit overrun by three usually muddy, semi-sane dogs is something I'd have a hard time understanding but I suppose God is trying to show me today that I may never understand the unexpected, but I can learn to accept it.
My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the utterance from my heart will give understanding. - Psalm 49:3