Enter Michael of Sunnybrook Farm.

Nah...it doesn't fit.
But when little rays of sunshine poke through I tend to grab them with gusto and rush them to Amy right away.
Today I was grabbing away.
First off I received an email from the woman in our church I mentioned yesterday who is dying. She's still dying but her email sounded hopeful and it was a blessing to Amy. We may not get to "see" her due to lowered immunity from chemo, but I promised if necessary we'd simply stand outside her window and let Amy sing as soon as Amy is able - note I did not promise I would sing...I've found that improves the health of almost everyone.
Second, did I mention I got curious about Vioxx a few weeks back? Amy has been prescribed Vioxx on at least two occasions. She never really took much of it so I'm not concerned about the health repercussions, but it cost us a fortune. I wondered if we might get a refund for it, so I checked and discovered Merck will indeed pay us back for every dime we spent on the stuff. Since it was a drug resulting in our most expensive co-pay, that was nice to find out. I got their "refund" kit today and mailed it right back. Hopefully that will net $120 bucks in return before the company is sued into oblivion.
Third, I got the check for the Dick Tracy watch today. Now that I'm becoming somewhat skilled at Ebaying, I realize I could have made more by cutting out the middle man, but still it's a nice chunk of change for a watch that I'm sorry...could only be described as plain silly.
Moments ago, as I was writing this, I sold another item on Ebay which was about to sell for 15 bucks, but apparently sparked a frenzy of bidding in the final minutes, goosing the price up to more than 40 dollars. Too cool.
A lot of sunshine to spread around...and a few shekels.
Topping it off Amy's mother has decided our house needs decorating. Amy and I have meant to get around to doing that but we've only been in the house for a decade and we're not folks to rush into things.... Anyway she bought a very nice area rug for our living room today, over my extremely mild protests. It ties the room together in an amazing way and most of all it makes Amy happy.
Little blessings go a long way.
There is one drawback...Amy's Mom is now eying our windows with a thought towards some type of inexpensive window dressings. She muttered something about, "all you'd have to do is hang some curtain rods."
I didn't bring up my handyman abilities....though I realize into each life a little rain must fall...not today though, not today.