Tuesday, September 02, 2008

That Sound You Hear...

...is arteries hardening.

The Dallas Morning News has the results of the annual contest among food vendors at the upcoming Texas State Fair. The basic criteria is your "food" (and I use that term lightly...well, lightly may not be the right word) is that the "food" must be fried.

If you watch this without wanting to add a salad to your next meal...then you're ready to wave to Big Tex come October, and/or a coronary bypass.

The complete list of "winners"...

Best taste

Chicken-Fried Bacon; vendor: Glen Kusak, Yoakum Packing

Most creative

Fried Banana Split; vendor: Shirley Weiss, Auto Grill

Other finalists

•Fernie's All-American Fried Grilled Cheese Sandwich; vendor: Christi Erpillo, Dock Restaurant

•Texas Fried Jelly Bellys; vendor: Justin Martinez, Granny's Funnel Cake

•Deep Fried S'mores; vendor: Tami Stiffler

•Fire & Ice (fried pineapple creation); vendor: Abel Gonzales Jr.

•Fried Chocolate Truffles; vendor: Nick Bert Jr.

•Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Waffle Balls; vendor: Mark Zable, Belgium Wafflestand