Saturday, January 17, 2004


There is little doubt in my mind that God has decided I am sorely lacking when it comes to patience. There is also little disputing that He is determined to change that.

By force if necessary.

I made my morning visit to the hospital today, hauling in coffee and newspapers. Amy still is in pain and it was evident as soon as I saw her that she's staying put for a while.

I did get the chance to actually speak with her surgeon. He was reassuring. He was realistic.

I suspect it may now be the middle of next week before Amy gets out, and that's only if her pain eases substantially and some new issues regarding a low blood count are adequately addressed. I think in addition to trying to learn patience, I'm also going to swear off making predictions about the duration of hospital stays.

As the doctors try to mend Amy's body, my focus now is on trying to chase away the mental funk that is attempting to claw its way into a position of prominence.

This isn't easy. Amy's pain increases when she laughs, so I'm having to rethink my repertoire.

I've ruled out a dancing act, becoming a mime, and singing since those would likely produce laughter and or nausea.

Distraction seems my best approach...maybe it's time to learn a few card tricks.

And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. -Romans 5:2-4