The Dallas Morning News has the results of the annual contest among food vendors at the upcoming Texas State Fair. The basic criteria is your "food" (and I use that term lightly...well, lightly may not be the right word) is that the "food" must be fried.
If you watch this without wanting to add a salad to your next meal...then you're ready to wave to Big Tex come October, and/or a coronary bypass.
The complete list of "winners"...
Best taste
Chicken-Fried Bacon; vendor: Glen Kusak, Yoakum Packing
Most creative
Fried Banana Split; vendor: Shirley Weiss, Auto Grill
Other finalists
•Fernie's All-American Fried Grilled Cheese Sandwich; vendor: Christi Erpillo, Dock Restaurant
•Texas Fried Jelly Bellys; vendor: Justin Martinez, Granny's Funnel Cake
•Deep Fried S'mores; vendor: Tami Stiffler
•Fire & Ice (fried pineapple creation); vendor: Abel Gonzales Jr.
•Fried Chocolate Truffles; vendor: Nick Bert Jr.
•Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Waffle Balls; vendor: Mark Zable, Belgium Wafflestand