Easter 2008.
The house is quiet and my goal is for us to make it to the 9 a.m. church service. My reality tells me that's unlikely.
We haven't been the best at rallying for church lately and so I figure if we make the 11 a.m. service I won't complain.
We have three people, and I think one dog, now living in our 'upper room ministry.' One of those folks, all unrelated except by circumstance and work projects (and in the case of the dog, by species), "might" join us today at church. I would think it's a long shot to believe any of the other "humans" will make it - the dog, Gypsy or Gabby depending on who is calling her name, I'm sure would be eager to come along, and possibly be the best behaved among the bunch...but getting this group organized and ready to do almost anything is a lot like herding cats.
How we went from an empty nest to a full house is a story I've yet to figure out completely. I'm really not certain I need to know the "how" anyway...as long as I'm still comfortable with the "why" and the "Who."
Sometimes you open your doors to a brilliant day, sunshine and Easter eggs.
Sometimes we open our doors to other surprises. In each case, I find it best to leave the details to God.
This is the way He works.
At least in my life.
As soon as I opened the door to Him, He was the first one to enter.
He's made Himself at home, despite our failings, our moments of frail faith...our time challenges, and our apparent tendency toward trust bordering on lunacy.
He is a merciful and patient God.
He is alive!
We're driving forward.
He is Risen!
I better start the coffee aroma wafting around the house if I expect anyone else to rise this morning though.
God bless you. Praise God for His mercies and His message.
You can be reborn, remade, resurrected!
Open the door.