Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Some Explanation Is Needed.. but....

I had it in my mind I was going to spell things out today about our little spiritual crisis. I started writing from my heart and it got all cryptic again. Then I started writing from my head and it got all complicated.

And although no one can edit my feelings, I have to allow Amy to have the right of first refusal before I post anything specific about this mess...and I don't think she's ready.

So I'm going to sum it up very quickly and move on to other topics for a while.

We've had a major communication breakdown with the elders of our church...it has wounded us...put an unnecessarily and almost cruel strain on some of our dearest most abiding friendships...and left us wandering (that's not a typo).

Decisions have been made, they can't be taken back although we believe our side of the story has not been heard. People who say they "speak with one voice" have refused to "listen" at all.


It's caused us to reevaluate a lot of things including whether we can continue participating in our church. If you've read this blog for any time at all, you will know how heart-wrenching that is for us.

For now, we're stepping back from all our church "duties" and spending more time reading suggested words of wisdom, praying, and hanging on to that which we are certain we can lean on..God and each other.

I am making one vow...the next &*#$ post on this blog is going to about something fun.