The Bad - Amy is sick...and tired and feeling guilty about possibly not being able to sing at tonight's Good Friday service. She's has sung "Via Dolorosa" every Good Friday for many years, and even if her voice and body aren't up to singing for the congregation tonight I may insist she sing it for me.
The Ugly - Me having to inform a bridal party this morning as I was mowing the church property that they couldn't start decorating the church for their wedding tomorrow because we were having a Good Friday service tonight which will be rather stark. Yes, they had been told different by a "somewhat" absent-minded guy at the church. We love him anyway...even if he was working on his Good Friday service outline when they came in and asked if they could decorate the church on Friday night. Maybe we should change his moniker to ADHD-RLP.
The Good - We may have experienced some bad or even ugly moments...but we have the promise of salvation because our Savior died for us.
Tonight we will listen to the account of His death again and be reminded once more that all that is bad or ugly in this life will be made right thanks to His sacrifice.
Such reminders are good indeed.