I can spend a great deal of time pointing to specific areas of my life where I feel the strong hand of God. Blessings undeserved. Some of those blessings have come through struggles and some through suffering. Others have simply been given to me freely as I stood in wide-eyed amazement.
The greatest blessing in my life was so given...and how I could deserve such a wondrous thing mystifies me to this day.
This day is her day: February 17th.
I woke her at 1:17 this morning to gently kiss her and say, "Happy Birthday."
1:17 a.m. was the same time she was born 39 years ago, plus tax, shipping and handling. She smiled, kissed me back and sleepily said, "Today's my birthday."
Then I left for work once again wondering why that although this is Amy's birthday, I continue to receive the love of this astonishing Godly woman. Such a gift...a gift I could never earn and certainly never deserve.
Here's to you my love...today and always.
Thank you oh Holy Father for yet another great blessing bestowed upon me by Your grace alone.
Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of incense.
All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you. - Song Of Solomon 4:6-7