T'was the morning before Christmas...and the coffee is perking. I'm wide awake because Lee is working.
Sorry, I have no poetry in me yet. Lee had to be at work at 6:45 so I got up to drive her.
I spent much of the past two days in bed. Amy is still recovering and I have a lingering cold that seems to wipe me out by mid afternoon...so, bring on the DVD's.
Christmas for the most part has come and gone although we'll attend Christmas services tomorrow.
Lee and the kids are going to visit the couple who brought them here in Athens, Texas next weekend so we'll usher in the New Year without our adopted family. We (thanks to RLP readers) bought them bus tickets for part of the journey. It will give them some time to visit and be away from San Antonio...and will give Amy and I some time together. We'll be reunited in the New Year and hopefully get moving on helping the Gomez family become independent...our goal for 2006.
Right now though, my goal is coffee.