I took the Gomez crew on the obligatory San Antonio tourist attraction spin this afternoon and we all agreed on two things:
It's hot and the Alamo is cool.
We cut short our trip when John' suggested we rent the Alamo movie, which sounded like a fine idea to me and then spent the rest of our adventurous afternoon trying to remember where I parked the car.
This is a day of rest and I think we're all in agreement that we'll abide by that concept. John' and I went to Blockbuster to find "The Alamo" but all the copies were already rented - why I have no idea, I heard the movie was terrible. John' opted for Godzilla instead. Close enough...it still keeps us in the air conditioning. Ana is reading, Lee is studying and John' is watching people get squished between giant green toes.
Is there really anything more we need today?
God provides...I'm glad He provided us with air conditioning today.