Bernie has a lot of "sayings" which have been passed down to his children and grandchildren over the years. One of his favorites is, "I landed there once" - did I mention he's a pilot? Another is "'s the most under rated beverage in the world"- okay, so he's not necessarily Aristotle, but there is a lot of wisdom in much of what he says.
I could go on and on...but that really would only take us off the beaten path and I want to walk with you in a different direction today. One other phrase that Bernie says occasionally refers to his sandals...he calls them his "Jesus shoes."
I thought about that today when I ran across this website that sells sandals...sandals intended to spread the gospel.
Maybe a photograph will help clarify that idea for you.

Click to enlarge.
If you still don't quite see it...the name "Jesus" is carved into the sole of one sandal and the words "loves you" are carved into the other. The idea is that when you walk in the sand, or the mud or any soft surface you will leave behind that simple message.

A lot of folks buy them - they've sold more than 20 thousand pairs of sandals or other footwear with the same message carved into the soles.
My father-in-law is a good Christian man who has spread the word of Christ for much of his life. He didn't do it by carving a message in his sandals (although I'd bet he'd like a pair)...he did it by walking the walk - although admittedly an occasional swift kick from his loving bride Priscilla may have helped keep him on the right road once or twice.
Bernie's are some pretty big shoes to fill.
Jesus loves you is etched into his soul.

Click to enlarge.