Okay... I've been "tagged." Twice actually - by Bet at Dappled Things and Katy at Fallible.com
I wasn't going to play for a variety of reasons, but I fear I'm going to keep getting tagged and then I won't know who to tag in return because everyone will have already been tagged. I have a limited circle of blog friends who might participate in something such as this, and a large number who might retaliate.
Oh, sorry...you have no idea what I'm talking about do you?
Well this is what's called a "meme" which I had to look up but I gather it's sort of a self propagating societal reflection...something like digital snot. Okay, that might be a little graphic...a mental cold germ of sorts.
Anyway, here's the deal.
If you're tagged, you need to choose 5 (or more if you like) occupations from the list below and then finish the sentence for each that you've chosen.
You then tag three more people who must do the same. You can add more occupations to the list when you pass it on but you must choose your 5 from the list provided by the person who tagged you. You're also asked to trackback to the blogger who tagged you if you know how. Since I was "tagged" by two people I combined both of their lists into this list before adding my three
If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be a service member...
If I could be a photographer...
If I could be a philanthropist...
If I could be a rap artist...
If I could be a child actor...
If I could be a secret agent...
If I could be a comedian/comedienne...
If I could be a priest...
If I could be a radio announcer...
If I could be a phlebotomist...
If I could be Paris Hilton's stylist...
If I could be the CEO of Microsoft..
If I could be a movie producer.
If I could be a laser hair removal specialist.
If I could be a dog groomer...
If I could be a bicycle repairman...
If I could be a member of the Royal Family...
Now my responses:
If I could be a child actor I'd have it in my contract I had to act like a child. I'm tired of watching kids on TV that we've made funny by robbing them of their innocence.
If I could be an inn keeper there would always be at least two rooms open at no cost....one for old friends...one for strangers who couldn't pay.
If I could be an athlete than I'd be fairly certain Armageddon was near.
If I could be a professor I'd teach common sense...anyone who was still in the class at the end of the semester would fail.
If I could be a llama-rider I'd be quite a sight and I'd ride my llama to places llama's don't get to go often...like Dairy Queen. The thought of being a llama rider in a Dairy Queen drive thru has a certain appeal to me.
Why do I have a feeling the next person tagged is going to add "If I could be a psychiatrist I'd ask Michael Main more about llama riding at Dairy Queen?"
Anyway, the folks I'm tagging are Matt because he needs diversions. Amber because she's doesn't have time for such things so that makes such things all the more important, and Captain Wow because I threw a digital dart at my blogroll and that's who it hit.
Tag! You're it!
Or Achoo! Depending on your viewpoint. Sorry...I'm sure that will wash out.