The little dogs, our two West Highland
I thought about this afternoon and when I let them out of their kennels purposely grabbed each one individually. I rubbed their bellies scratched behind their ears, pet them all over, etc....and then I noticed something: they didn't know how to react.
Avery, the queen bee of the house ran off...not too far but far enough to assert her independence. Winston, our special needs dog, would roll over, rush away for a second then come running back wanting to be petted, craving attention, but then he too would run away...only not as far. In a little while he'd coming running back, wagging his tail, bark at me and then run away.
I thought how often it is that I act the same way with God.
In truth God is reaching out, grabbing me, holding me, constantly seeking a relationship, and quite often I revel in His glory...but often I ignore Him, sometimes I even run away.
Why do I run away?
They're only dogs. It's simply a question that sprung to mind, but really...why would I ever run away?