I backed out of a commitment I made at church. I withdrew from the spiritual partnering effort some of our church members have launched. It was a hard decision, but the timing for me simply wasn't right.
I know the months ahead are going to involve some big changes at work and I already work pretty wacky hours. I am committed to spending the Lenten season finding a quiet peace to share with Amy and God every day and there's the usual stuff - Amy's health, the oftentimes confusing chaos associated with simply living life. Plus new Deacons will be coming on board in the next few weeks who may look to me somewhat for guidance, not that I'm full of wisdom; I'm simply one of the few Deacons left. Leadership through attrition.
I don't want to shortchange a spiritual partner by spreading myself too thin, so I backed out. It is one of the few times I've said,"No" to anything asked of me at church - I even preached once...sort of...it was more like a public blubbering but I think I got preaching credit nonetheless. Yet I know I have to maintain boundaries in order to stay centered on Christ.
The young woman spearheading the effort understood completely, as I knew she would...she exudes grace which makes me even sadder knowing that I will not have more of an opportunity to share this experience with her.
Although there were no true set guidelines, the partnerships would require some time and meetings which I'm uncertain I could commit to right now.
The worst thing though was the only real stated goal of the project was help each other "find where God fits" in our daily lives...in the big things and the little things. That's something I strive to do - something I love to do - and I'd love to help others and have them help me too.
I know backing out was the right decision though.
I am comforted in the obvious knowledge that there will be other opportunities.

The pictures I've sprinkled in this post demonstrate as much.
God quite often creates perfection.
We let so much slip away unnoticed, but there is always more to come.
Those pictures...they are of snowflakes.
Real snow flakes.

I need no more proof of God than pictures such as those.
If you'd like to see more...click here.
You won't regret it, of that I am quite certain.