Love: Boaz
with apologies to Clement Moore and to all who despise bad poetry.
It's Christmas morning, and all through the house
Everyone is still sleeping, including my spouse.
The "children" will snooze until at least nine or ten
Amy broke with tradition wrapping some gifts before then.
I snuck out this morning and grabbed two gift sacks
Bless the gift bag inventor - no more panic attacks
Triggered by scissors paper and tape,
resulting in presents appeared wrapped by an ape.
Inside are two books - one from a friend, the other from me.
They both are of hymns with detailed history.
That's all I'm giving my wife on this day,
with one exception...a note that will say:
"Soon will arrive another small gift.
You know what it is - I'm not that swift."
The box will contain a petite silver band
To match the one I wear, on my left hand.
The letters are Hebrew from the book of Ruth.
They speak of a promise, a love, and a truth.
"Whither thou goest, I will follow." they say.
Words true for tomorrow as well as today.
A few words of mine will be on a note inside.
Meager expressions of love - a dream for my bride.
They ask her to "glean" with me love - perhaps laughter.
To live fairy tale lives...happily ever after.
May all of you who have blessed us with love, prayer and grace so preciously over this past year have a Christmas of wonderment and fun, and please know you have brought great joy and faith to our lives in so many ways.
Michael & Amy