However the other day, while we had the money, I bought three copies for gifts.
One is for my Aunt, who helped raise me during a few of my many rebellious teen years. I think it will make a great Christmas gift. She doesn't read this blog; at least I don't think she does -Kathy if you do read, now you have the joy of anticipation if not surprise.
The second copy is for my sister-in-law Mary Kay, she doesn't read this blog either, but it's not a Christmas gift anyway. Mary Kay is getting a copy of the book because Gordon leads our church family each week in our prayer requests and each week for years now one of those prayer requests has been for Mary Kay. I think I've only mentioned it here once in passing that Mary Kay is recovering from breast cancer.
The other day, Cynthia and I were talking before church, as we often do since her husband is on the music team so we're both at church early while our respective spouses are practicing music, and she asked if I could send out a picture of Mary Kay, so she could visualize this person who had become part of her regular prayer life.
I thought that was such a cool thing to ask. I sent out the picture to the church family this evening.

That's Mary Kay on the right. My brother, who in this shot appears like someone who might be in the witness protection program, is flanking my niece Chelsea.
For the record, Mary Kay is doing well these days....realizing Chelsea is only 14 years old though is fostering a whole new round of prayer requests in my mind.
The third copy of the book? I've changed my mind a couple of times on who will receive that one.
I suspect whoever gets it is going to have to meet a couple of criteria...first they're not going to mind getting a slightly dog eared book since I keep picking it up to read, and occasionally I get a little weepy, so there may be some tear stains on it. After writing this, the other requirement seems rather obvious...the third recipient will likely have to be someone who doesn't read my blog.
That leaves it pretty wide open.