I think we made a little progress with Amy's medical team yesterday.
First, we got a wink and a nod from the doc to give Amy a break from her "feedbag". We're not going off it completely for a number of reasons, but I think we all agreed that perhaps being tethered to that thing for 14 hours a day might be taking a toll on her mental health, and that can't be good for her physical health.
After only one day of freedom Amy's mood has improved.
Second, I get to fire someone.
I am not really in a position at work where I have to fire people, I'm thankful for that...sort of the same reason I'm thankful I'm not into guns. I fear if I had a gun I'd find too many tempting targets.
I'm not against people having guns, but I shouldn't be one of them. I usually shouldn't have the authority to fire people either.
I'm a firm believer though that judicious firing has a place in this world. Tomorrow, or perhaps Monday, I'm going to visit the office of the pain specialist Amy went to see last week. I wasn't with Amy for that appointment but she came home feeling like she had been beaten up. The doctor made a variety of comments making it clear she really had not bothered to find out about Amy's case (although the surgeon assures me he called her personally); she treated Amy with a distinct lack of respect and a high degree of condescension. Basically, this specialist has lost all sense of compassion. I suppose dealing with people who are in chronic pain will tend to make you jaded, but it was not what Amy needed at all. Amy was extremely upset; I was furious. We had to wait nearly 6 weeks for that appointment.
After talking with Amy, the surgeon, and a physicians assistant we all agreed that doctor was not right for Amy. The surgeon has already pulled some strings to get Amy into see another doctor next week whom he describes as caring. I remember when I thought all doctors had that quality.
We could simply tear up the prescription the other doctor wrote and never call her back, but I don't think that sends the right message. I think too many people in positions of authority forget who their bosses are...I want to remind this woman, or at least her office staff that even though she may be a doctor, her bosses are her patients.
I plan to go in and politely return the prescription, ask for a receipt, and then ask that the doctor be informed that, "Mrs. Amy Main has decided that the doctor should be fired. We will no longer be in need of her services." I might even add, "But we wish her well in her future endeavors."
I'll probably only make the office staff giggle; perhaps the message will never get to the snooty doctor, but it'll make me feel better...it seems to do wonders for Donald Trump.