The world will always welcome lovers...
As time goes by.
Amy and I had a small wedding. It was the second wedding for both of us so we knew that all we desired were our friends and family to witness this brief and personal moment...pledging our love before God.
We rented a small chapel; Amy designed and printed the invitations herself. For our reception we rented a meeting room at a small hotel. We served chicken, beans, rice and tortillas from El Pollo Loco. There was no band.
I remember the ceremony soon to be stepdaughters wore green dresses, and Joey asked me for help in tying his tie.
Amy surprised me by stopping mid-ceremony and bursting into song. She stared into my eyes as she pledged her love saying no matter what should befall us, she would always be there for me.
Amy's voice was strong and the song overpowered me. I held back tears as best I could.
I seem to recall an audible sigh of relief when our family and friends realized I wouldn't be bursting into song in return.
Today, ten years have passed. Those little girls in green are all grown up. Joey can tie his own ties now. People are still relieved when I don't sing.
Our lives remain relatively simple.
We continue to share a deep and abiding love before God.
Now it is a love that is stronger.
It's been tested.
It's been refined by life.
I desire nothing more, than more of the same.
Happy Anniversary darling.
I love you.
And when two lovers woo.
They still say, "I love you."
On this you can rely.
No matter what the future brings,
As time goes by