Amy's surgery was completed without complication. It was very extensive and her recovery will likely be a bit more involved than we had hoped. The surgeon is "cautiously optimistic" that he remedied the source of her pain, but in truth that will be something that will be determined over time. In any case, a number of procedures were done, including the removal of her appendix - call that a peremptory strike. The surgeon was in there poking around anyway and we figured with Amy's luck that appendix would burst on us next year if we didn't snatch it now.
I wish we could have a definitive declaration that Amy's issues have been resolved, but we knew that was unlikely going in considering the best medical tests known to man had failed to pinpoint a specific problem. My wife made it through the surgery. I made it through. And we have reason for optimism.
I couldn't ask for much more.
I am so grateful to God for putting me at ease this day. I am also reeling in the blessing of the prayers we have received from friends and folks out in the blogworld.
May I be so bold as to ask that you continue praying for Amy's recovery?
Thank you again.