Today is a good day. Brisk and bright. It's the weekend. Our church Christmas party is tonight and this afternoon I get to help a charity make a few kids smile.
Each year our radio stations work together to raise funds for The Elf Louise Project. It's an example of a simple idea to do good that became contagious.
The simplicity of Elf Louise is a large part of its allure to me. They raise money to buy toys. Elf Louise volunteers give the toys to needy kids. No one gets paid. The only costs are for insurance and the like.
This afternoon I get to be an elf of sorts. Making a very small contribution of time. As is often the case with events like this, I will come away feeling like I have received far more than I have given.
For the record, the radiothon is taking contributions via phone at (210) 979-7700 until 5pm Saturday.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life