Lo and behold, the woman in the office of Amy's doctor who couldn't find time to call her back for the past week, suddenly found time yesterday. Since I had already arranged another doctor's appointment, the call netted nothing in terms of comfort or information, but I suspect she was fulfilling a directive from on high. I hope so. Amy sees the doctor on Friday. I plan to be with her. I want the doctor to get to know me better (ahem) and I think I want the doctor's office staff in refresher course mode for a while yet.
Got the bill for Amy's five day hospital stay . The stay which produced no cure and not even a cogent diagnosis.
Thank God for insurance.
My health insurance costs are going up next year and I can't blame the insurance company one bit. Eight doses of some unspecified medicine they gave Amy cost 3 thousand dollars. No cure. No diagnosis. The total bill: 20 grand.
Amy is sick...but our health care system is sickening.
So California had 100 plus gubernatorial candidates on the ballot. Every county in the state had the candidates names in a different order on the ballot. Every imaginable method of voting was used from the much maligned punch card ballot to the high tech touch screen system.
No hanging chads? No voters flustered? No one confused? Where are all those folks who were going to be disenfranchised?
Californians are smarter than I thought. Okay...they're smarter than people in Florida.
Seen that picture before? It's been sellout on QVC for five years running.
I'm okay with that I suppose...as long as I don't dwell on it. At least it's not on black velvet.
Okay boys and girls it's time to play, "Who's an idiot?"
(Insert annoying theme song here)
First guess:
For the second time, I left my favorite digital camera, the one that's so small it can easily be overlooked, in my pants pocket . Once again it ended up going through the wash and a good portion of the dry cycle.
Despite that, it still works...sort of.
The repeated rinse cycles have washed out the screen that allowed me to know that I've taken a picture. The spin-dry silenced the beep that offered additional reassurance. Still, if I push all the buttons, point it and pray, it usually gets a shot.
It's pathetic to look at, and certainly not the robust little camera it once was, yet I've been enjoying carrying it around with me now more than ever.
I slip my hand into my pocket and am reminded how very often I must look at what's facing me in life...on faith alone.
Luke 17:6
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.