"Where are You?"
I need to be reminded to breathe.
My body goes through the motions. Inhale. Exhale. Oxygenate the blood. The respiratory rote of system maintenance.
I need to be reminded to breathe.
It's been a hectic week and today I was fixated on the realization that next week will likely also be a struggle at the office. Too few people. Too many demands.
I need to be reminded to breathe.
This afternoon I was caught up in the hot dusty fumes of gas powered engines while mowing some of the church property. The heat bore down. I was sweating. It was unpleasant.
I need to be reminded to breathe.
The mower hit the lemon grass.
The lemon grass...a gentle redolent reminder.
The deep breaths.
The essence seizing lung filling breaths of appreciation and wonder.
"Ahhh...there You are..right where You've always been."
Job 33:4
The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.