This weekend I watched an HBO piece about how Saddam's son would literally torture the country's athletes if they lost, if they criticized a referee he liked, or just on a whim. Serious torture, beating them with chains, breaking their bones repeatedly, holding them captive in cells with no water and no ventilation, having them dive into vats of raw sewage.
But we haven't found "weapons of mass destruction."
We've found graves filled with the brittled bones of thousands of Iraqi's killed because they opposed Saddam.
But we haven't found "weapons of mass destruction."
We've found hundreds of millions of dollars looted from the Iraqi people.
But we haven't found "weapons of mass destruction."
We've read stories of how one of Saddam's sons raped a 13 year old girl and when the girl's father complained, he was told his entire family would be killed. Then Saddam's boy insisted the father turn over his younger daughter too....and the father did. The stories of rape and abuse are seemingly endless.
But we haven't found "weapons of mass destruction."
We've found mobile labs that our experts can find no explanation for other than they were designed to produce biological weapons.
But we haven't found "weapons of mass destruction."
If you opposed the war and now want to say, "see we didn't have to attack them" and your entire argument is that "we didn't find weapons of mass destruction" please stand up and take a bow.
Now, all you folks who want Saddam and his sons to be brought back, and given control of Iraq please remain standing. Stand up and be counted.
I'm waiting.
As far as I'm concerned we don't have to find nuclear bombs, chemical warheads, or germ warfare plants. The weapons of mass destruction were Saddam and his sons.
We got rid of them. Thank God.