It's crunch time...the rubber meets the road...push comes to shove...someone has to step up... Okay, you can put in any other sports cliche here, but I'm not talking about the Spurs versus Suns game tonight, at least not directly. I'm talking about whether I can abide by my vow to Amy not to be a madman watching the game so she'll stay in the same room or even the same house while the game is on. I searched the Internet today for tips on watching sports games with your wife....there are no websites devoted to this into that what you will. I suspect it means, like the Spurs, I have an uphill battle on my hands.
Speaking of push coming to shove. Emily Rebecca McGovern came into the world this morning. She's the newest member of our church family. Her parents, Jerry and Jennifer, came to our church at Amy's invitation. Jennifer was our "dog trainer", so I guess the dogs, Avery and Winston, get some credit for bringing them into the fold.
Evangelism=1 Basic Behavior= 0
Back to the Spurs...this could be painful tonight...not just because I could be murdered by my wife :) The Spurs are without David Robinson and Kevin Willis.
I have made contingency plans for a Spurs loss, not at home where I will be inconsolable, but at work where it's my job to think of things like this...We'll have a psychologist on in the morning to talk about how overwrought fans can cope with disappointment. I thought that would be more subtle than THIS.
Halftime updateThe Spurs have the lead. Amy is still speaking to me.