Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dearth Of A Blog

-Writers note:  Blogger/Google seems unable to publish this post at the moment which is ironic if not a bit of unintentional foreshadowing.

Okay, so here's the deal.  Blogger/Google is doing away with its FTP (file transfer protocol) publishing.  Who cares right?

Well I do, a little.
That's the way I publish this blog when I actually get around to writing something, which admittedly is a pretty rare event these days.

Blogger/Google (I'll just call it Blooggle) wants to "convert" this site to either one hosted by Blooggle or to a   It sounds like no big deal, but it's really a pain and it doesn't make much sense to me to put the blog in a sub-domain when there's nothing on the primary domain of any consequence (please refrain from value judgments about the blog's value).
Also it pisses me off a little...I mean I went with blogger some seven years ago and now I'm of no value to them.

So anyway, I have been looking at various "conversion tools" and they don't seem to work very well, if at all.  I was really thinking I'd just face facts and admit I'm not all that enamored with blogging and let this sucker die a slow death in the cloud of cyber rot, but now I'm consider another option.

What really makes changing blogging software (going to WordPress) a pain is trying to bring along all of my old posts/comments.  I have attempted a couple of conversions in the past and they didn't work.  Now I'm thinking maybe I'd be a lot less reluctant about this entire process if I simply set up a new site using Wordpress.  Technically I suppose the archived material would still exist - nothing ever really dies on the Internet -  but I'd be free not to have to try to bring it into the new set up.   It would be like moving to a new house and not having to pack up all the crap from the previous home.

This sounds very fact I'd like to do it with our actual house now that I think about it.

I really can't imagine there are gaggles of people scouring my past wisdom anyway.  There's a good chance I will find some way to incorporate the archives much like the system I have set up currently, in fact I may be able to put in that exact coding...but I won't 'have' to...which seems to be key.

I know this is "inside baseball" sort of stuff, but then again I suppose this blog is too.  I have some time next week to tinker with things and that's my current thinking.  So either I'll do a rebirth of sorts...or I'll come up with a fabulous sign off...something original I'm sure.