Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Resistance is futile

Okay, a couple of emails, one bordering on winsome poetry, and a comment or two from other folks saying they missed the picture of the rustic shed on the blog convinced me to return it. I still don't really like its placement and I may consult with more web savvy folks about incorporating it into the new blog template.

The bonus is I get to put my stepson's drawing of me in the profile section. I get a kick out of that, so it's a fair trade. I'm really not certain I'm going to keep the profile section anyway. If you want to know more about me you really need a hobby, but you can always go to my homepage.

I do appreciate the feedback I've gotten from everyone; I always do...even my self appointed grammarians.

Anyway, I'm wolfing down a late night dinner after a late night walk. Then it's a quick shower and off to watch the Spurs beat the Lakers with some friends.

They sure better win...otherwise going to work almost as soon as the game ends is going to make me feel even more insane...take my word for it, that's hard to do.