Monday, July 28, 2003


"Guess whose dead?" Yeah, you're right. *

It's amazing to think of the changes Bob Hope saw in his lifetime.

The year Bob Hope was born only 14 percent of US households had a bathtub. Alabama had more people than California, so did Iowa, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The population of Las Vegas was 30.

The average life expectancy was 47. The third leading cause of death in the United States was diarrhea.

In 1903, most women only washed their hair once a month, usually using egg yolks or borax for shampoo. Canned beer hadn't been invented. There were only 144 miles of paved road in the United States and only eight-thousand cars. **

Thanks for the memories.

*twisted reference family members will understand
** statistics from the "Information Systems Advisory Body of the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors" (is a blabs?)
Speaking of inspirational people...don't you know this guy is glad his Dad didn't carry home a refrigerator?
We said goodbye to our friend Heather yesterday. She's moving to Kentucky. I'm betting she turns around when she finds out this is the standard license plate there.

No kidding. That's really it.

How embarassing.