Sunday, June 15, 2003


Tiffany and Lisa spent some time with us last night for Father's day. They gave me a very loving card and a gift certificate to Starbucks. Amy and I swore off our Starbucks latte addictions to save money for the church building fund, so there is a certain amount of caffeine lust in the air. The girls were in high spirits and I enjoyed just watching them interact. I spent much of the night thinking how quickly they've become adults.

That's what Dad's do.
Today was ushered in by thundershowers in San Antonio. At my house that means thunder followed by the howls of Winston who knows something is amiss and is bothered by it, so he figures the best way to deal with the situation is to start howling so everyone else will be bothered by it too. I got up and tended to him. He eventually settled down. That's what Dad's do...even if their offspring are "special needs" West Highland terriers.
We'll mark this Father's day at church by ordaining a new Deacon and three new Elders. This is a moving ceremony which I've only taken part in before from the side of the folks being ordained. Today each member of our congregation will take a moment to whisper a few words of affirmation into the ears of these four people, encouraging them. We will lay our hands upon them.

I know some, if not all of these folks, were somewhat stunned to learn the church had chosen them for these roles. They have talents and potential that our church needs, even if they don't realize it. Today will be a little frightening for them, but oftentimes our abilities shine more to others than to ourselves. Being "called out" to use your gifts is a good thing.

And that's what our Father does too.

Psalm 2:11
Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.