Saturday, May 17, 2003


I am blessed with a very observant wife. You might have noticed my homepage looks much cleaner and professional. This is due solely to my astute ability. Not the ability to design a webpage, my ability to say, "Amy, please fix it".

Amy sees my flaws. Okay, she doesn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to do that, but she also excercises discretion in pointing most of them out. She was content to let me futz around with my website even though she saw its failings. Today I said, "Amy, please fix it".

Over the years, she has repaired many greater flaws in me.

I can not put a value on her ability to see me and my needs.

Today as I was leaving to do some landscaping work at the church which requires bending over quite frequently in my grubbiest garb, she reminded me to "tuck in my tee shirt".

See why I love this woman? She not only sees the cracks in my facade...she knows I have the potential to show even more.