Maybe I'll get into a writing rhythm again, but I think - for now - I'm going to officially let the blog "go away."
Blogging seems so yesterday :)
You can find me on facebook. At or you can email me. If you don't know my email address you can use
It's been fun.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Redux
** I wrote this some years ago...I was starting to write something else today, and decided maybe I shouldn't...I should just remember....(For folks on Facebook...I can never tell when blog entries will post. This post was for Memorial day at "")**
I had a rather odd - at least considering the source - email last weekend from my immediate boss and longtime co-worker which read,"Please, write something about your 'Memorial day memories''s for a radio station web project."
That was it.
It was a little unsettling.
I mean I write all the time...writing wasn't the issue. The topic didn't scare me...even though it sounded like an assignment you'd give some high school English class. I'll also confess my first thought was, "You mean Sean Elliot's 1999 Western Conference finals shot? The 'Memorial day Miracle?"
Honestly, I remember that Memorial day pretty vividly, but I assumed despite the cryptic nature of the email that 'the web project' was meant to pay homage to the men and women who have and continue to serve and defend our freedoms.
I'm asked to write or help other people write all sorts of things in other aspects of my life, but what I write at work - at least usually - is determined not by vagaries but by facts. I mean, the parameters at work are usually more definitive.
"Memories" are subject to any number of variables, not the least of which is my ability to recall them.
I wasn't intimidated by the idea, but it was as my friend Gordon once wrote like my "world's were colliding."
I got over it, knowing if someone wanted me to have more precise direction I would have received it to begin with so this 'project' was likely a rather last minute thing, and whatever I submitted was not going to be judged too harshly or judged by anything more than word count.
In any case, I found some old photos which provoked good memories, and when I had some time at work I treated the assignment like I do this blog...I wrote whatever came to mind.
A portion of it is included below and the basic theme is the same I suppose but I reworked it into a form I preferred.
I feel compelled to write something about Memorial day, but I also would be remiss if I didn't write about something else that's very important...and I don't think I can tie them together in any plausible segue, so I'm only going to mention that following the little essay is some other radio we call that a "tease."
"The world should know of those who give so much for liberty.
The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother---their children."- Congressional Record 1917
My father was a member of what we now refer to as "The Greatest Generation" - a veteran of World War II - and like many such men, he never spoke of it, at least not to his sons. He wasn't a war hero, war wasn't something to tell "stories" about and I suppose he believed there were more important things to discuss with his sons because every day was precious.
"Combat" and "Hogan's Heroes" were on TV - it wasn't until many years later that war became a reality to me. Before then, it was a "game," albeit as the youngest of three boys I was rarely the victor in our make believe skirmishes.
Memorial Day Memories from those days were of parading and pretending and the only thing I have in common with them now is the same haircut
The pretending came to a sudden end for me in 1972 when I buried my father, and weeks later, my mother at a military cemetery and gazed upon what seemed to be a never ending sea of reality and sorrow.
The pretending came to a sudden end for me in 1972 when I buried my father, and weeks later, my mother at a military cemetery and gazed upon what seemed to be a never ending sea of reality and sorrow.
Those days were "Memorial Day Memories" to me.
Heroes beneath dirt. The chapters of their lives condensed perhaps in long forgotten newspaper clippings or perhaps kept alive only by a few faint, but frail and failing memories. Some were already lost forever. The neatly organized non-ornate tombstones seemed to me to be a sad and somewhat pathetic attempt to somehow force uniformity on what was obviously an uncontrollable, uncomfortable and unavoidable truth...death.
Don't misinterpret me, there was an air of honor, of respect..but also a healthy dose of fear for a boy my age whose entire world had become uncertain. Especially since the rest of the world which I hadn't paid much attention to up to this point suddenly didn't appear to present much solid footing for wherever the heck I was headed next.
Remember it was 1972... there were an increasing number of bright white undeviating markers honoring men of service, but no matter how neatly arranged, uniformity failed to ease the feelings of loss...and of fear.
A lot of time has passed since then. I no longer fear death because I have come to understand that I will not always understand God's plan, but I have faith in it nonetheless.
Over the years, I have been to many military cemeteries to bury brave men and women, or to observe their burials.
Every one of those days is a "Memorial Day Memory" to me.
Our most recent next door neighbors are a family with three sons. I see the boys playing together all the time...they laugh, and "shoot hoops" and skateboard...but they don't "play war." I suspect not many kids do these days.
I'm sure they still enjoy parades and cookouts and family on Memorial day, but I also suspect they understand more about Memorial Day than I did at their age.
That's a hard thing.
However I'm not positive it's a "bad" thing.
I think we need more "Memorial Day Memories"...I think we should have them every day.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Captain Burrito
This may be the best lead line for a news story I've ever read...from WFTV in Floria.
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- The Brevard County doctor who was arrested for groping a woman while dressed as Captain America with a burrito in his pants will not go to jail.
That really says it all.
Well, the picture helps.
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- The Brevard County doctor who was arrested for groping a woman while dressed as Captain America with a burrito in his pants will not go to jail.
That really says it all.
Well, the picture helps.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Looking For Crooks
When she's in the car, one of our dogs wants to stay in the "crook" of my arm.
She finds comfort there...reassurance. Of course she doesn't realize she's compromising my driving skills. She has faith in least more faith then she has in the wind coming in the windows or the cars passing by..some of the many things she doesn't understand.
I suppose faith is always like that...we don't always understand why...we just know where we feel safe.
I find great peace in that.
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. - Psalm 37:3
She finds comfort there...reassurance. Of course she doesn't realize she's compromising my driving skills. She has faith in least more faith then she has in the wind coming in the windows or the cars passing by..some of the many things she doesn't understand.
I suppose faith is always like that...we don't always understand why...we just know where we feel safe.
I find great peace in that.
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. - Psalm 37:3
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Give Me A Fifth Of Mayo
I'm sort of a "borderline" correspondent these days...not that I'm doing my job(s) in a half-hearted way. I gather/write and report the news in a lot of cities...seemingly more each day. One result is that I'm doing more Texas border news.
Border news is always a welcome relief actually because I can spread it around. If the Governor wants more Border Agents, that story will fly in Brownsville/Harlingen/McAllen as well as El Paso...even though they're about as close together as Austin and Atlanta.
So today is Cinco De Mayo, an increasing popular ethnic holiday. It's the day Mexico and Mexican American communities commemorate the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. It's a unique holiday.
I was happy to do Cinco De Mayo stories in as many cities as I could justify today (Wichita was a stretch, but give it a few years).
I was looking for that story with "star quality." You know, the story that would dazzle folks. Something to add a little salsa to the event...I mean commemorating a victory over the French? Get in line.
Luckily I stumbled across a report of a raid on some of the untold number of drug cartels operating in Mexico. These wanton killers have so much money it would amaze you. Recently, a former Mexican kingpin cut a deal with the U.S. where he forfeited "some" of his drug profits...50 million dollars. That was the negotiated price, "down" from the original "fine."
What was turned up in the raid on the drug cartel in the Jalisco state of Mexico? Oh, you know...the usual stuff...drugs, money...and um...these:
Those are "diamond studded" guns.
Just say, "No."
Is it appropriate to wave the white flag in the war on drugs on Cinco De Mayo?
Border news is always a welcome relief actually because I can spread it around. If the Governor wants more Border Agents, that story will fly in Brownsville/Harlingen/McAllen as well as El Paso...even though they're about as close together as Austin and Atlanta.
So today is Cinco De Mayo, an increasing popular ethnic holiday. It's the day Mexico and Mexican American communities commemorate the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. It's a unique holiday.
I was happy to do Cinco De Mayo stories in as many cities as I could justify today (Wichita was a stretch, but give it a few years).
I was looking for that story with "star quality." You know, the story that would dazzle folks. Something to add a little salsa to the event...I mean commemorating a victory over the French? Get in line.
Luckily I stumbled across a report of a raid on some of the untold number of drug cartels operating in Mexico. These wanton killers have so much money it would amaze you. Recently, a former Mexican kingpin cut a deal with the U.S. where he forfeited "some" of his drug profits...50 million dollars. That was the negotiated price, "down" from the original "fine."
What was turned up in the raid on the drug cartel in the Jalisco state of Mexico? Oh, you know...the usual stuff...drugs, money...and um...these:
Those are "diamond studded" guns.
Just say, "No."
Is it appropriate to wave the white flag in the war on drugs on Cinco De Mayo?
Monday, April 26, 2010
Memo to Mark Cuban
Ah, I love the NBA playoffs. I especially love them when the Spurs are kicking the choking butts of the Dallas Mavericks.
Up three/one in the series that Dallas was all but ordained to win...I can't wait for game five.
Dallas did try to get physical in last night's game.
But in the end, the Mavericks showed their true colors.
Memo to Mark Cuban: It sucks to be you.
Up three/one in the series that Dallas was all but ordained to win...I can't wait for game five.
Dallas did try to get physical in last night's game.
But in the end, the Mavericks showed their true colors.
Memo to Mark Cuban: It sucks to be you.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fading Weirdness
I was sad to read that a bit of Texas weirdness might disappear soon. Years and years ago - gee, let's not even go there - I did a radio piece on Stonehenge II, a replica of Stonehenge in the Texas Hill Country.
Some years ago it was set to run behind a cheesy photo array.
I decided to put it up on YouTube just for the memories.
Some years ago it was set to run behind a cheesy photo array.
I decided to put it up on YouTube just for the memories.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I'm a
I've been thinking about my soul lately.
Admittedly, that's probably not something a lot of people are wasting the energy of their synapses on, but...hey, that's how I roll.
So, I've been tumbling this concept of "soul" around in my head and trying to put form to it.
You know, I think the soul should be "austere"...sort of plain and forthright. Amish/Quaker...very devout and to the point. No frills. A direct semblance of "you."
Our souls should be quiet and still.
Our souls should only reflect the good stuff. Our "inner being" on its best behavior that we wish God would see.
Sorry, I call B.S.
That's not my soul.
I can't hide it...I can't fake it.
I don't really want God to see me all pious and pure...and mercifully I'm fairly certain He won't.
I want God to see me dancing.
I want God to see me reveling.
Reveling in the wonders of His creations.
Laughing and smiling.
Giggling and amazed.
This is my soul. It is a far more than one dimension. It's not plain...or black and white. It's a dodecahedron of color and curiosity. It's alive and in awe...unharnessed and unashamed.
I am a child of God, let loose in the privilege of His wonderment.
There is joy in my soul.
Admittedly, that's probably not something a lot of people are wasting the energy of their synapses on, but...hey, that's how I roll.
So, I've been tumbling this concept of "soul" around in my head and trying to put form to it.
You know, I think the soul should be "austere"...sort of plain and forthright. Amish/Quaker...very devout and to the point. No frills. A direct semblance of "you."
Our souls should be quiet and still.
Our souls should only reflect the good stuff. Our "inner being" on its best behavior that we wish God would see.
Sorry, I call B.S.
That's not my soul.
I can't hide it...I can't fake it.
I don't really want God to see me all pious and pure...and mercifully I'm fairly certain He won't.
I want God to see me dancing.
I want God to see me reveling.
Reveling in the wonders of His creations.
Laughing and smiling.
Giggling and amazed.
This is my soul. It is a far more than one dimension. It's not plain...or black and white. It's a dodecahedron of color and curiosity. It's alive and in awe...unharnessed and unashamed.
I am a child of God, let loose in the privilege of His wonderment.
There is joy in my soul.
Just Another Day
Trolling for news...
Near El Paso, a 7-year old boy has been suspended from school because of his hair. It's not too long, it's got a "design."
It could be weirder I suppose. In Seattle, three bisexual men are suing a national gay-athletic organization, saying they were discriminated against during the Gay Softball World Series. The men say the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance said they were not gay enough to participate in the series.
Not sure what measuring stick is used in that test.
Back within the safe confines of Texas...
In Dallas, groups are upset that the planned George W. Bush Presidential Library may displace some longtime residents...a community of feral cats. Apparently there is a group of people devoted to caring for wild cats on the Southern Methodist University campus, and they are worried putting up a Presidential Library will force the cats to move from their homes where they are "brought food" every day.
Look what the students dragged in.
Near El Paso, a 7-year old boy has been suspended from school because of his hair. It's not too long, it's got a "design."
(Photo Credit:KFOX14 TV)
The kid's parents now say they may "home school" the boy until his hair grows out. Here's another idea, shave his head and teach him the valuable lesson that Mommy and Daddy do stupid things every once in a while, sometimes to their kids.
In Corpus Christi, authorities are investigating why a 45 foot long, 4 foot high chunk of concrete fell off a parking garage. It smashed a car. No one was inside. Personally, I'd be a little wary of parking at that about shop 'til you drop.
In the Rio Grande Valley, two men have been charged with murder for stabbing a man 11 times with a screwdriver. They were apparently upset that the victim tried to stop one of the men, a 27 year old, from "hitting on his 15 year old daughter." The murder happened at a baptismal celebration.
Welcome to the world.
Welcome to the world.
Not sure what measuring stick is used in that test.
Back within the safe confines of Texas...
In Dallas, groups are upset that the planned George W. Bush Presidential Library may displace some longtime residents...a community of feral cats. Apparently there is a group of people devoted to caring for wild cats on the Southern Methodist University campus, and they are worried putting up a Presidential Library will force the cats to move from their homes where they are "brought food" every day.
Look what the students dragged in.
Did you miss this picture of the Texas Governor kicking off events at the Texas Motor Speedway over the weekend?
Ya gotta love Texas.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Another View
I'm normally a somewhat forward thinking person. I try not to dwell on the past.
I was reminded today that every so often it can be worthwhile to look back.
It seems like I wrote about the unique establishment on the shores of Lake Erie called "Cheesehaven" years ago, but if I did I can't find that wisdom now. Anyway, when two of my nieces were little girls I would play a game with them...coming up with a "password" for them to say each day. One day the password was "Cheesehaven!" It had to be said with enthusiasm and the girls had to raise their hands when they said it...sort of a little niece "Cheesehaven wave."
Tonight my eldest nephew, Ben, sent me video of his son, Caleb.
It speaks for itself...
Yes, there are days when I look forward to looking back.
I was reminded today that every so often it can be worthwhile to look back.
It seems like I wrote about the unique establishment on the shores of Lake Erie called "Cheesehaven" years ago, but if I did I can't find that wisdom now. Anyway, when two of my nieces were little girls I would play a game with them...coming up with a "password" for them to say each day. One day the password was "Cheesehaven!" It had to be said with enthusiasm and the girls had to raise their hands when they said it...sort of a little niece "Cheesehaven wave."
Tonight my eldest nephew, Ben, sent me video of his son, Caleb.
It speaks for itself...
Yes, there are days when I look forward to looking back.
Friday, April 09, 2010
End Week Weirdness
Unrelated weirdness for the week from various cities I'm now providing with news...and assorted other stuff.
Oddest headline - From the Corpus Christi newspaper: Motorist On U.S. 281 In Brooks County.
I guess there aren't many traffic jams there.
From the Rio Grande Valley...Brownsville City Officials and members of the Filipino-American community take part in a "Bataan Death March" memorial "walk."
It's the truth...honest.
Presumably food was served during the event.
From the "You First" department:
Honda has demonstrated its prototype U3-X "Personal Mobility" device - think "Segway" but cheaper.
Looks comfortable huh?
Personally before I sat on that sucker I'd ask for an insurance waiver and a "safe" word.
Finally, the most disturbing photo of the week...assuming you can get past the seating on the Honda U3-X.
This guy has a "face tattoo."
Yikes. Sorry.
Welcome back.
Oddest headline - From the Corpus Christi newspaper: Motorist On U.S. 281 In Brooks County.
I guess there aren't many traffic jams there.
From the Rio Grande Valley...Brownsville City Officials and members of the Filipino-American community take part in a "Bataan Death March" memorial "walk."
It's the truth...honest.
Presumably food was served during the event.
From the "You First" department:
Honda has demonstrated its prototype U3-X "Personal Mobility" device - think "Segway" but cheaper.
Looks comfortable huh?
Personally before I sat on that sucker I'd ask for an insurance waiver and a "safe" word.
Finally, the most disturbing photo of the week...assuming you can get past the seating on the Honda U3-X.
This guy has a "face tattoo."
Yikes. Sorry.
Welcome back.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Moving again...
Okay...the blog has moved again. Of course if you're reading this, you know that.
I am not done tinkering. I think if I manipulate things enough, I will eventually be able to move the blog back where it was...and this silliness will stop...or commence again.
I am not done tinkering. I think if I manipulate things enough, I will eventually be able to move the blog back where it was...and this silliness will stop...or commence again.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Well, let's...
Sometimes it's easier to do what you don't want to do. So I've set up a blogspot account, completely eliminating the need to have a website of my own. It's somewhat silly, but then again so is this blog as of late.
I figure this way it'll be easier to write (if I feel like writing) and if the urge should hit to actually put up a real blog again, I can go back. This way I don't have to worry about it, which seems to be my calling as of late.
Of course I can't get "" or "" or or MMain or MM or MDM or...well, anything. I finally just started typing in anything that came to mind...
This is the result.
Impressive eh?
Well, let's give it a try...for now.
I figure this way it'll be easier to write (if I feel like writing) and if the urge should hit to actually put up a real blog again, I can go back. This way I don't have to worry about it, which seems to be my calling as of late.
Of course I can't get "" or "" or or MMain or MM or MDM or...well, anything. I finally just started typing in anything that came to mind...
This is the result.
Impressive eh?
Well, let's give it a try...for now.
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.
For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to
Thursday, March 18, 2010
After two weeks of ignoring me, the folks at bloogle have fixed the screw up in the publishing of this blog. They still plan to do away with Blogger in any meaningful capacity for me, but their timeline has been pushed back until May. That means I can spend time during my week off messing with this thing, or I can put it on the back burner.
Yeah...guess which I chose?
Yeah...guess which I chose?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dearth Of A Blog
-Writers note: Blogger/Google seems unable to publish this post at the moment which is ironic if not a bit of unintentional foreshadowing.
Okay, so here's the deal. Blogger/Google is doing away with its FTP (file transfer protocol) publishing. Who cares right?
Well I do, a little.
That's the way I publish this blog when I actually get around to writing something, which admittedly is a pretty rare event these days.
Blogger/Google (I'll just call it Blooggle) wants to "convert" this site to either one hosted by Blooggle or to a It sounds like no big deal, but it's really a pain and it doesn't make much sense to me to put the blog in a sub-domain when there's nothing on the primary domain of any consequence (please refrain from value judgments about the blog's value).
Also it pisses me off a little...I mean I went with blogger some seven years ago and now I'm of no value to them.
So anyway, I have been looking at various "conversion tools" and they don't seem to work very well, if at all. I was really thinking I'd just face facts and admit I'm not all that enamored with blogging and let this sucker die a slow death in the cloud of cyber rot, but now I'm consider another option.
What really makes changing blogging software (going to WordPress) a pain is trying to bring along all of my old posts/comments. I have attempted a couple of conversions in the past and they didn't work. Now I'm thinking maybe I'd be a lot less reluctant about this entire process if I simply set up a new site using Wordpress. Technically I suppose the archived material would still exist - nothing ever really dies on the Internet - but I'd be free not to have to try to bring it into the new set up. It would be like moving to a new house and not having to pack up all the crap from the previous home.
This sounds very fact I'd like to do it with our actual house now that I think about it.
I really can't imagine there are gaggles of people scouring my past wisdom anyway. There's a good chance I will find some way to incorporate the archives much like the system I have set up currently, in fact I may be able to put in that exact coding...but I won't 'have' to...which seems to be key.
I know this is "inside baseball" sort of stuff, but then again I suppose this blog is too. I have some time next week to tinker with things and that's my current thinking. So either I'll do a rebirth of sorts...or I'll come up with a fabulous sign off...something original I'm sure.
Okay, so here's the deal. Blogger/Google is doing away with its FTP (file transfer protocol) publishing. Who cares right?
Well I do, a little.
That's the way I publish this blog when I actually get around to writing something, which admittedly is a pretty rare event these days.
Blogger/Google (I'll just call it Blooggle) wants to "convert" this site to either one hosted by Blooggle or to a It sounds like no big deal, but it's really a pain and it doesn't make much sense to me to put the blog in a sub-domain when there's nothing on the primary domain of any consequence (please refrain from value judgments about the blog's value).
Also it pisses me off a little...I mean I went with blogger some seven years ago and now I'm of no value to them.
So anyway, I have been looking at various "conversion tools" and they don't seem to work very well, if at all. I was really thinking I'd just face facts and admit I'm not all that enamored with blogging and let this sucker die a slow death in the cloud of cyber rot, but now I'm consider another option.
What really makes changing blogging software (going to WordPress) a pain is trying to bring along all of my old posts/comments. I have attempted a couple of conversions in the past and they didn't work. Now I'm thinking maybe I'd be a lot less reluctant about this entire process if I simply set up a new site using Wordpress. Technically I suppose the archived material would still exist - nothing ever really dies on the Internet - but I'd be free not to have to try to bring it into the new set up. It would be like moving to a new house and not having to pack up all the crap from the previous home.
This sounds very fact I'd like to do it with our actual house now that I think about it.
I really can't imagine there are gaggles of people scouring my past wisdom anyway. There's a good chance I will find some way to incorporate the archives much like the system I have set up currently, in fact I may be able to put in that exact coding...but I won't 'have' to...which seems to be key.
I know this is "inside baseball" sort of stuff, but then again I suppose this blog is too. I have some time next week to tinker with things and that's my current thinking. So either I'll do a rebirth of sorts...or I'll come up with a fabulous sign off...something original I'm sure.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday Update/Ramblings
I love this time of's a time of self examination and I'm pretty good at I like finding new ways to make room in my life for God. This season is going to be interesting. Amy and I have decided to do some church shopping again. We've loved the church we've been part of for the past couple of years, but we don't feel like we've really connected with a community. It's not the community's's probably ours. So we've been visiting churches and I must admit our current church home is looking better. I thought I could see cobwebs growing during the sermon we sat through on Sunday.
There are some other things changing during this time. The future of this blog is a little dicey. Blogger is eliminating its support for the way I compose and edit this space. They say they're going to provide some type of conversion tool. They haven't yet. I will likely roll with the punches. I now tend to think of the writing here like I do dreams, I don't try to examine it too closely or hang onto it any more.
I usually "fast" during this time. I've been on a modified fast for a few weeks now, although I blew it on Valentine's day to take Amy and our youngest daughter out for steaks. Come to think of it, I blew it this morning when I brought home breakfast tacos for Amy's birthday. Yeah, I'm a big spender.
Oh get over it, I brought home flowers too.
Happy Birthday my love!
That brings up something from my "I should mention this on the blog" file, which admittedly is stuffed full of stuff I haven't mentioned. I recently received a copy of "The Daniel Fast", a book by Susan Gregory.
Susan sent it to me with a nice note.
A couple of years ago I wrote about Susan who had contacted me about getting more traffic to her website. That apparently worked out for her. She wrote a book and mentioned me in the acknowledgments.
Thanks Susan.
So that's an update of sorts... I know it's a little rambling. I hope, but am not promising, to write more during this season. As always I'm exploring my relationship with Christ, which is a daunting task. I mean when something fails in that relationship it's pretty easy to figure out who to blame.
There are some other things changing during this time. The future of this blog is a little dicey. Blogger is eliminating its support for the way I compose and edit this space. They say they're going to provide some type of conversion tool. They haven't yet. I will likely roll with the punches. I now tend to think of the writing here like I do dreams, I don't try to examine it too closely or hang onto it any more.
I usually "fast" during this time. I've been on a modified fast for a few weeks now, although I blew it on Valentine's day to take Amy and our youngest daughter out for steaks. Come to think of it, I blew it this morning when I brought home breakfast tacos for Amy's birthday. Yeah, I'm a big spender.
Oh get over it, I brought home flowers too.
Happy Birthday my love!
That brings up something from my "I should mention this on the blog" file, which admittedly is stuffed full of stuff I haven't mentioned. I recently received a copy of "The Daniel Fast", a book by Susan Gregory.
Susan sent it to me with a nice note.
A couple of years ago I wrote about Susan who had contacted me about getting more traffic to her website. That apparently worked out for her. She wrote a book and mentioned me in the acknowledgments.
Thanks Susan.
So that's an update of sorts... I know it's a little rambling. I hope, but am not promising, to write more during this season. As always I'm exploring my relationship with Christ, which is a daunting task. I mean when something fails in that relationship it's pretty easy to figure out who to blame.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
It's Sports Illustrated Day!
The swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated is arriving in mailboxes.
Oh...I get a different sports magazine.
Oh...I get a different sports magazine.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Dirty Politics
I've heard of politicians slinging mud.
This is the first political ad I've seen where the candidate has thrown dirt...from a graveyard.
This is the first political ad I've seen where the candidate has thrown dirt...from a graveyard.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Enjoy The Weekend
I don't mean to startle you,, I did receive this email today from "End Time Ministries."
Take note of the subject line.
Take note of the subject line.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Why would you read this?
I'm fairly sure by now that no one should be checking this site any longer...considering I haven't written anything here in months. However I suppose I should at least say Amy and I are fine. Life is fairly uneventful, which may be part of the reason I don't feel compelled to write here. The cynics out there might suggest another factor be considered...laziness. I won't dignify that by saying something like, "Ya think?"
To put rumors to rest, I have not accepted a job as the new late night host for NBC, none of our children have drifted away in a home made balloon.
It's simply been a quiet season.
Just us and, of course, Tiger.
To put rumors to rest, I have not accepted a job as the new late night host for NBC, none of our children have drifted away in a home made balloon.
It's simply been a quiet season.
Just us and, of course, Tiger.
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